Healing looks different for everyone.
Sometimes it's slow. Sometimes really fast.
Sometimes it feels like nothing is moving at all.
But take heart.
Our pain has roots.
And some grow deeper than others.
With time & patience,
you will start to see a new person looking back you in the mirror.
And the places you were once stuck in
will begin to transform.
I would be honored to guide you in the journey of seeing what really is possible to experience in your body, your mind, and in your life.

Hello, I'm Michel
.......and I live in the beautiful mountains just minutes above the small town of Black Mountain, North Carolina with my daughter, Arianna and my husband, Chris.
I am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Advanced BodyTalk Practitioner, IFS Practitioner; with advanced training in the subconscious mind, nervous system regulation, hypnotherapy, and coaching.
My passion lies in guiding people along their healing journey, from pain into possibility because I know what it is to suffer greatly and to feel extremely stuck in my life.
I have found a way to transform all of my experiences into something beautiful, something that creates transformation and healing in my own life and the lives of each of my clients.
I want to share with you a little bit of my story that leads up to me becoming a healer…..
Most of my life has been made up of learning how to cope in one dark trauma situation to the next, which started in childhood.
I started dabbling with healing after recovering from meth addiction.
And then I found spirituality.
While I watched my mom die of brain cancer, I began to see how unconscious guilt has the power to take us out, no matter how many preventative measures you try. And at the same time, I became acquainted with grief and Multiple Sclerosis.
A few years later when my son committed suicide, my whole world exploded right in my face.
All of my childhood trauma, guilt, shame, and extraordinary loss was taking me down into a dark downward spiral of apathy.
I had to decide whether I wanted to come back from this or continue dying from the inside out.
Client-Reported Benefits
My clients have either resolved these conditions or have experienced significant improvements with the following:
Breast cancer
Ancestral Burdens
Dark Energies
Grief and Loss
Complex PTSD
Range of motion
Lyme disease
Relationship/Marital issues
Digestion issues
Chronic Pain
Depression & Anxiety
Personal boundaries
Childhood Trauma
Fears & Phobias
Confidence & Courage
Suicidal Ideation
Negative self-talk
Porn Addiction
Motivation & Procrastination
Attachment Trauma
Emotional Processing
Chronic Acne
Spinal Injury
Memory loss